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Ministry in Asia Pacific

After World War II, an influx of American military were stationed across Asia Pacific.  What began as small units of soldiers has expanded to almost 200,000 active duty military and their families, along with civilians and government workers, on over 25 military installations.  Asia Pacific Military Ministry exists to provide these Americans, who are far from their extended families and home culture, a place to find purpose, belonging, and the truth of Jesus Christ. 

At present, there are four military churches in Asia Pacific: Okinawa (80,000 military), Iwakuni (14,000 military), Yokota (11,000 military), and Misawa (6,000 military).  A military church will be planted in Korea near Camp Humphreys (40,000 military) in 2022, but there are many other military installations across Asia Pacific that need a vibrant, Pentecostal church, such as Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan (25,000 military), Osan Air Base in Korea (10,000 military), an additional church in northern Okinawa, and a church on the island of Guam (12,000 military).  Along with church plants, there is an urgent need for worship leaders, youth pastors, children’s pastors, and those with a heart to reach out to the local community. 

If you would like to be part of the few who minister to those who sacrifice every day for our freedoms, please visit the “Join Our Team” page for more information about AGWM Military Ministries Asia Pacific.