What those we have served have to say about AGWM Military Ministries


“SMCC was the anchor of our American community in Germany and we appreciate all that you sacrifice to serve us. We are deeply grateful.” - Stacey from Stuttgart, Germany

“Thank you for your ministry. You really did help light a fire in me.” - Jason from Stuttgart, Germany

“We truly grew to know the Lord and grasped the understanding of grace and love more. Truly a great place to call home.” - Josh from Stuttgart Germany

“We really were challenged by the preaching each week and our kids loved attending SMCC.” - Tom & Roxanne from Stuttgart, Germany

“Thank you for all the sacrifices you made and the hard work that went into starting SMCC. It was truly a blessing for Andy and I while in Germany.” - Erin from Stuttgart, Germany

”SMCC became our family. The best church we have ever been to.” - Hannah from Stuttgart Germany


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